Saturday, September 6, 2008

On a Hike with Grandpa!

Zachary, Grandpa, Castle and Mason on a hike. Grandpa loves teaching them guy stuff.


Charlee said...

Grandpa is the best. I'm not sure what's up with Mason's fuzzy hair. We will miss you until next time.

Evvie Turley said...

Your dad is a cool grandpa. You can tell the boys all love hanging out with him. That's really cool! Go, Grandpa!

Brette said...

Hey guys! I haven't seen you all in so long! It looks like life is keeping you busy. I can't believe how big your kids are now. I swear they've all grown 2 feet since the last time I saw them. Glad you guys have a blog now. These things are the best way to keep in touch with people!

KARI said...

WoW! You kids are so big now...I cant believe it. I havent seen them in a long time. Brettleigh is such a cutie. I am glad you have a blog so I can keep in touch with your cute fam!