Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Dead Sled!!!

The Dead Sled got overhauled again. Here are a few pictures to show you every step. Every year we put it in the City Trunk or Treat and it usually ends up in the Newspaper. It's pretty cool, it has an old fashion fire engine siren on it, red lights in the dash board and under the car and Mark has it painted black and orange and skulls everywhere. The Kids Love it!!!


Evvie Turley said...

Oh my word! That car looks totally awesome! It must be terrible being married to a husband so creative and talented-I really feel bad for ya! :) Too cool-can't wait to see it out and about on Halloween!

TJ Eich said...

This will be our first year not to party with you guys! :(
We will miss your boys' gruesome costumes, Brettleigh's frilly-self, and The Sled. That thing is SWEET!!!

Becky said...

I know T.J. we always do the Halloween Partys together, are you sure you can't make it? We are definately going to miss you guys too.