Friday, August 1, 2008

Tin Foil Dinners at the Canyon!

We went to the Canyon to cook Tin Foil Dinners. We had so much fun and the food was great, trying to keep the kids out of the fire was the biggest fight.

Grandpa and Castle

Oh-no my mom caught me, should we stop?

Castle and Zach wrestling...

Hailee and Brettleigh

Look how tall I am mom...

Grandma Brewer and Aunt Charlee just checking out pictures.

Grandpa Brewer and Mark cooking dinner, they look like they are working hard.

Look at my dirty face mom!

Castle and Zach fighting AGAIN....

Brettleigh just looking cute.

Castle and Zach, they love it outside!

1 comment:

TJ Eich said...

That looks like so much fun! I'm jealous that you can actaully go outside there! Must be nice!!